Red Bull Thai Krating Daeng 250ml, an Asian energy drink that will give you the boost you need. Perfect for those seeking an extra energy push, this Asian version of the famous Red Bull is known for its unique taste and revitalizing effects. Whether you need it to tackle a long workday or an intense workout, Red Bull Thai Krating Daeng will help you keep your concentration and energy levels high.
Red Bull Thai Krating Daeng 250ml on
If you're a fan of energy drinks, you're probably already familiar with Red Bull, but Thai Krating Daeng takes this experience to a whole new level. With its 250ml format, it's easy to take with you wherever you go. Its distinctive Asian taste and energizing formula are appreciated by millions of people worldwide. Whether you need to tackle a challenging project or need extra energy for your workout, this drink will provide the boost needed to overcome any challenge.
Add Red Bull Thai Krating Daeng to your cart and discover how a simple can can make a difference in your days. You'll feel the difference with every sip!
Name: Red Bull Thai Krating Daeng
Energy drink
Net weight: 250 ml
Ingredients: water, sugar, acidity regulator: citric acid (330), taurine (1000 mg), stabilizer: sodium bicarbonate (500ii), synthetic flavors; mixed fruit, caffeine, inositol (50 mg), lysine (50 mg), choline (50 mg), preservative: sodium benzoate (211), vitamin B3 (20 mg), vitamin B5 (5 mg), vitamin B6 (3 mg), synthetic colors: yellow tartrazine (102) and red Ponceau 4R (124), vitamin B12 (4 µg).
Allergen information: For allergens, including cereals containing gluten, see the ingredients above in UPPERCASE.
Storage instructions: store in a cool, dry place, away from moisture and heat sources. Refrigerate before opening.
Produced in Thailand
Distributed by Uncle Food Srl, Via Alcide De Gasperi, 33, Naples (NA), 80133 Italy
Best consumed before: see on the package