
125 products

Explore the sweet universe of our candies on! Discover a wide selection of international candies, from the classic gummy to the hard, to the most curious flavors. Offer your customers an unforgettable experience. Start exploring immediately!

    125 products
    Confezione da 1kg caramelle gommose al gusto di mela verde e fragola.
    Xmas Tree, gummy candies (1kg package)

    Buy a €4.90 per kg ‎

    Sell at €20.00 per kg ‎*

    You earn at least 73%

    *suggested minimum price

    BBD 30/11/25

    🌾 Gluten Free

    Santa Claus, gummy candies (1kg package)

    Buy a €4.90 per kg ‎

    Sell at €20.00 per kg ‎*

    You earn at least 73%

    *suggested minimum price

    BBD 31/10/25

    🌾 Gluten Free

    Confezione da 1kg caramelle gommose al gusto di lampone.
    Snowflakes, gummy candies (1kg package)

    Buy a €4.90 per kg ‎

    Sell at €20.00 per kg ‎*

    You earn at least 73%

    *suggested minimum price

    BBD 31/10/25

    🌾 Gluten Free

    Confezione da 12, caramelle gommose ripiene al gusto di pesca da 65g Amos.
    Amos 4D Fruit Gummy Peach Burst, peach-flavored filled gummy candies 65g (Pack of 12)

    Buy a €1,65 ‎

    Sell at €3.49 ‎*

    You earn at least 46%

    *suggested minimum price

    BBD 19/12/25

    🌾 Gluten Free

    Confezione da 12, caramelle gommose e ripiene al gusto di frutta da 65g Amos 4D.
    Amos 4D Fruit Gummy Grape Burst, gummy candies filled with grape flavor 65g (Pack of 12)

    Buy a €1,65 ‎

    Sell for €3.49 ‎*

    You earn at least 53%

    *suggested minimum price

    BBD 08/01/26

    🌾 Gluten Free

    Confezione da 12, caramelle gommose al gusto e a forma di ananas da 65g Amos 4D.
    Amos 4D Fruit Gummy Pineapple Burst, pineapple-flavored filled gummy candies 65g (Pack of 12)

    Buy a €1,65 ‎

    Sell at €3.49 ‎*

    You earn at least 53%

    *suggested minimum price

    BBD 01/06/26

    🌾 Gluten Free

    Confezione da 16g di caramella al gusto misterioso Aiheads White Mystery
    Airheads White Mystery, Mysterious Flavor Candy 16g (Pack of 36)

    Buy a €0,33 ‎

    Sell at €0.79 ‎*

    You earn at least 54%

    *suggested minimum price

    BBD 30/04/25

    🌾 Gluten Free

    Confezione da 40g di caramelle aspre all'anguria Jelibon Sour Patch Watermelon
    Jelibon Sour Patch Watermelon, 40g watermelon sour candy (16 pack)
    Sour Patch

    Buy a €0,61 ‎

    Sell at €1.80 ‎*

    You earn at least 63%

    *suggested minimum price

    BBD 02/03/25

    Confezione da 1kg, caramelle al gusto di frutta a forma di orso.
    XXL Bears 1kg

    Buy a €5.90 per kg ‎

    Sell at €20.00 per kg ‎*

    You earn at least 68%

    *suggested minimum price

    BBD 30/11/25


    Confezione da 16, caramelle gommose aspre da 40g Jelibon.
    Jelibon Sour Patch Kids, Ash tires of 40g (pack of 16)
    Sour Patch

    Buy a €0,62 ‎

    Sell for €0.99 ‎*

    You earn at least 31%

    *suggested minimum price

    BBD 18/01/25

    Confezione da 1kg, caramelle a forma di rana al gusto di frutta.
    XXL Froggy 1kg

    Buy a €5.90 per kg ‎

    Sell at €20.00 per kg ‎*

    You earn at least 68%

    *suggested minimum price

    BBD 30/06/26


    Confezione da 1kg, caramelle gommose a forma di cuori Vidal.
    Hearts, heart-shaped candies (1Kg Package)

    Buy a €4.90 per kg ‎

    Sell at €20.00 per kg ‎*

    You earn at least 73%

    *suggested minimum price

    BBD 28/02/26

    🌾 Gluten Free

    Confezione da 1kg, caramelle gommose al gusto di banana Vidal.
    Vidal Bananas, banana-flavored gummy candies (1Kg package)

    Buy a €4.90 per kg ‎

    Sell at €20.00 per kg ‎*

    You earn at least 73%

    *suggested minimum price

    BBD 31/01/26

    🌾 Gluten Free

    Confezione da 22g di caramelle all'anguria Mike and Ike Sour Watermelon
    Mike and Ike Sour Watermelon, 22g watermelon candy (24 pack)
    Mike and Ike

    Buy a €0,32 ‎

    Sell at €0.79 ‎*

    You earn at least 55%

    *suggested minimum price

    BBD 30/04/25

    🌾 Gluten Free

    Confezione da 1,4kg, caramelle gommose al gusto di anguria Vidal.
    Vidal Twist Watermelon, watermelon-flavored gummy candies (Package of 1.4Kg)

    Buy a €4.90 per kg ‎

    Sell at €20.00 per kg ‎*

    You earn at least 73%

    *suggested minimum price

    BBD 31/10/25

    🌾 Gluten Free

    Confezione da 1kg, caramelle gommose Vidal.
    Vidal Fried Eggs, gummy candies (Pack of 1Kg)

    Buy a €4.90 per kg ‎

    Sell at €20.00 per kg ‎*

    You earn at least 73%

    *suggested minimum price

    BBD 28/02/26

    🌾 Gluten Free

    Confezione da 12, caramelle a forma di noodle con gel da 55g.
    Johny Bee Candy Noodle Cup, gummy candies in the shape of noodles 55g (pack of 12)
    Joy Gum

    Buy a €1,15 ‎

    Sell for €1.79 ‎*

    You earn at least 29%

    *suggested minimum price

    BBD 28/02/26

    Confezione da 1kg, caramelle a forma di squali al gusto di frutti misti Vidal.
    Vidal Sharks, fruit-flavored gummy candies (1Kg Package)

    Buy a €4.90 per kg ‎

    Sell at €20.00 per kg ‎*

    You earn at least 73%

    *suggested minimum price

    BBD 31/01/26

    🌾 Gluten Free

    Confezione da 1,4kg, caramelle gommose efferverscenti al gusto di cola Vidal.
    Vidal Cola Effervescent, cola-flavored gummy candies (Package of 1.4Kg)

    Buy a €4.90 per kg ‎

    Sell at €20.00 per kg ‎*

    You earn at least 73%

    *suggested minimum price

    BBD 31/03/26

    🌾 Gluten Free

    Confezione da 17g di caramella modellabile Slaps
    Slaps Devora Mix Fruit, Moldable Surprise Flavour Candy 17g (Pack of 10)

    Buy a €0,79 ‎

    Sell at €0.99 ‎*

    You earn at least 12%

    *suggested minimum price

    BBD 28/02/25

    Confezione da 1kg, caramelle gommose al gusto di panna e fragola Vidal.
    Vidal Strawberry and Cream, gummy candies with strawberry and cream flavor (1Kg Package)

    Buy a €4.90 per kg ‎

    Sell at €20.00 per kg ‎*

    You earn at least 73%

    *suggested minimum price

    BBD 28/02/26

    🌾 Gluten Free

    Confezione da 1kg, caramelle gommose al gusto di cola Vidal.
    Vidal Cola Bottles, cola-flavored gummy candies (1Kg Package)

    Buy a €4.90 per kg ‎

    Sell at €20.00 per kg ‎*

    You earn at least 73%

    *suggested minimum price

    BBD 28/02/26

    🌾 Gluten Free

    Confezione da 2kg, caramelle gommose a forma di serpente al gusto di fragola.
    XXL Snake 2kg

    Buy a €5.90 per kg ‎

    Sell at €20.00 per kg ‎*

    You earn at least 68%

    *suggested minimum price

    BBD 31/05/26


    Confezione da 1,5kg, liquirizie gommose al gusto di passion fruit Vidal.
    Vidal Passion Fruit Slice, gummy candies with passion fruit flavor (1.5Kg package)

    Buy a €4.90 per kg ‎

    Sell at €20.00 per kg ‎*

    You earn at least 73%

    *suggested minimum price

    BBD 31/03/26

    Confezione da 1,5kg, liquirizie gommose al gusto di anguria Vidal.
    Vidal Watermelon Slice, chewy candies with watermelon flavor (Pack of 1.5Kg)

    Buy a €4.90 per kg ‎

    Sell at €20.00 per kg ‎*

    You earn at least 73%

    *suggested minimum price

    BBD 28/02/26

    Vidal Pizza Slice, gummy candies shaped like pizza (Package of 1.7Kg)

    Buy a €4.90 per kg ‎

    Sell at €20.00 per kg ‎*

    You earn at least 73%

    *suggested minimum price

    BBD 31/03/26

    🌾 Gluten Free

    Confezione da 24, caramelle al gusto di frutta da 22g Mike and ike.
    Mike and Ike Original Fruits, 22G fruit candies (pack of 24)
    Mike and Ike

    Buy a €0,40 ‎

    Sell for €0.79 ‎*

    You earn at least 44%

    *suggested minimum price

    BBD 28/02/25

    🌾 Gluten Free

    Confezione da 1kg di caramelle gommose dalla forma di orsetti Wunnie Mini Teddy Treat
    Wunnie Mini Teddy Treat, 1kg teddy bear-shaped candies

    Buy a €4.90 per kg ‎

    Sell at €20.00 per kg ‎*

    You earn at least 73%

    *suggested minimum price

    BBD 10/04/26

    🌾 Gluten Free

    Confezione da 1kg, caramelle gommose frizzanti Vidal.
    Fizzy Bears (1Kg Package)

    Buy a €4.90 per kg ‎

    Sell at €20.00 per kg ‎*

    You earn at least 73%

    *suggested minimum price

    BBD 30/01/26

    🌾 Gluten Free

    Confezione da 1,475kg, caramelle a forma e al gusto di ciliegia.
    Vidal Cherries, cherry-flavored gummy candies (Package of 1.475Kg)

    Buy a €4.90 per kg ‎

    Sell at €20.00 per kg ‎*

    You earn at least 73%

    *suggested minimum price

    BBD 31/03/25

    🌾 Gluten Free

    Confezione da 1kg, caramelle gommose a forma di occhio.
    Spooky Eyes, gummy candies (1kg Pack)

    Buy a €4.90 per kg ‎

    Sell at €20.00 per kg ‎*

    You earn at least 73%

    *suggested minimum price

    BBD 30/08/26

    🌾 Gluten Free

    Confezione da 1,4kg, caramelle gommose al gusto di pina colada Vidal.
    Vidal Pina Colada, gummy candies with pina colada flavor (Package of 1.4Kg)

    Buy a €4.90 per kg ‎

    Sell at €20.00 per kg ‎*

    You earn at least 73%

    *suggested minimum price

    BBD 28/02/26

    🌾 Gluten Free

    Confezione da 1kg, caramelle gommose frizzanti al gusto e forma di ciliegia Vidal.
    Vidal Sparkling Cherries, sparkling gummy candies with cherry flavor (1Kg Package)

    Buy a €4.90 per kg ‎

    Sell at €20.00 per kg ‎*

    You earn at least 73%

    *suggested minimum price

    BBD 28/02/26

    🌾 Gluten Free

    Confezione da 1kg, caramelle gommose ripiene a forma di teschio.
    Chewy Skulls 1kg

    Buy a €5.90 per kg ‎

    Sell at €20.00 per kg ‎*

    You earn at least 68%

    *suggested minimum price

    BBD 31/08/25


    Confezione da 12, caramella liquida da 26g gusti a sorpresa.
    Juicy Drop Pop assorted flavors, liquid candy surprise flavor 26g (12 pack)
    Joy Gum

    Buy a €1,43 ‎

    Vendi a €2,50 (IVA inc)*

    You earn at least 37%

    *suggested minimum price

    BBD 19/10/25

    Confezione da 1kg, caramelle gommose a forma di frutti di bosco.
    Berries, gummy candies shaped like wild berries (1kg package)

    Buy a €4.90 per kg ‎

    Sell at €12.49 per kg ‎*

    You earn at least 57%

    *suggested minimum price

    BBD 31/05/26

    🌾 Gluten Free

    Confezione da 1,5kg, caramelle gommose a forma di diavolo.
    Chewy Devil 1.5kg

    Buy a €4.90 per kg ‎

    Sell at €20.00 per kg ‎*

    You earn at least 73%

    *suggested minimum price

    BBD 31/08/25


    Confezione da 20, caramelle con gusti misti da 28g The Jelly Bean.
    The Jelly Bean Surprise Flavour Mix, mixed flavor candies 28g (Pack of 20)
    Jelly Belly

    Buy a €0,83 ‎

    Sell at €1.49 ‎*

    You earn at least 39%

    *suggested minimum price

    BBD 12/04/25

    Confezione da 12, marshmallow al gusto di frutta aspra e a forma di Hot Dog da 50g Yammiez.
    Yammiez Sour Hot Dog, hot dog-shaped marshmallow 50g (Pack of 12)

    Buy a €1,06 ‎

    Sell at €1.99 ‎*

    You earn at least 41%

    *suggested minimum price

    BBD 24/03/26

    Confezione da 12, lecca lecca gusti assortiti da 20g Johny Bee.
    Johny Bee Chef Burger Lollipop & Powder, lollipop with surprise flavor powder 20g (Pack of 12)
    Jhonny Bee

    Buy a €1,43 ‎

    Sell at €2.50 ‎*

    You earn at least 37%

    *suggested minimum price

    BBD 30/07/26

    🍃 VEGAN

    Wholesale Candy Online

    Candies are sweets loved by both adults and children, perfect for any occasion. On you will find a wide selection of international candies, from classic gummy candies to hard candies, to the most unusual and curious flavors. Offer your customers a unique experience with products they won't find elsewhere!

    How to Store Candies

    To keep candies always fresh and tasty, it is important to store them properly. Here are some useful tips:

    • Cool and dry environment: Avoid direct exposure to sunlight and heat sources.
    • Airtight containers: Use closed containers to prevent candies from absorbing moisture or odors.
    • BBD: Always check the BBD date and manage the stock to sell products with the closest BBD first.

    Why Buy International Candies Wholesale on

    Buying candies wholesale on offers numerous advantages for your business:

    • No Minimum Order: On there is no minimum order requirement. You can purchase exactly the quantity you need, without constraints.
    • Discounts on Large Quantities: The more you spend, the more you save! We offer discounts on both multiple quantities of a single product and the total cost of your order. Ideal for those who want to stock up and save.
    • Competitive Prices: Our price lists are designed to allow you to maximize profits. Offer your customers exclusive products at competitive prices.
    • Fast Delivery Times: Within a maximum of 3-5 working days, you will receive your products, avoiding stockouts and always ensuring the availability of the most requested candies.
    • Effective Customer Service: Our customer service is active all week. You can consult us for assistance with your order and advice on which products to purchase for your business.