
22 products

Discover our selection of internal vegetarian snacks on! Explore an international assortment to enrich your shop with irresistible vegetarian snacks. Increase sales with exclusive products.

    22 products
    Confezione da 8, bevanda al gusto di cioccolato e cocco da 350ml Bounty.
    Bounty Milk Drink, coconut and chocolate beverage 350ml (Pack of 8)

    Buy a €2,23 ‎

    Sell at €3.49 ‎*

    You earn at least 30%

    *suggested minimum price

    BBD 19/03/25

    Confezione da 48, barretta di cioccolato ripiena di caramello da 48g Cadbury.
    Cadbury Wispa Gold, chocolate bar filled with caramel 48g (Pack of 48)

    Buy a €1,06 ‎

    Sell for €1.99 (VAT included)

    You earn at least 41%

    *suggested minimum price

    BBD 23/03/25

    Confezione da 10, bevanda al gusto di frutta mista da 200ml Capri-Sun.
    Capri Sun Jungle Drink, mixed fruit flavored drink 200ml (Pack of 10)
    Capri Sun

    Buy a €0,69 ‎

    Sell at €1.49 ‎*

    You earn at least 44%

    *suggested minimum price

    BBD 30/09/25

    🍃 VEGAN

    Confezione da 24, caramelle aspre al gusto di anguria e ciliegia da 45g Dweebs.
    Dweabs Candy Waterline & Cherry, harsh candy for the taste of watermelon and 45g cherry (pack of 24)

    Buy a €1,05 ‎

    Sell for €1.79 ‎*

    You earn at least 35%

    *suggested minimum price

    BBD 31/05/25

    🌾 Gluten Free

    🍃 VEGAN

    Confezione da 24, caramelle al gusto di limonata e mela da 45g Dweebs.
    Dweebs Sour Candy Lemonade & Apple, Aspire candy candies with lemonade and 45g apple (pack of 24)

    Buy a €1,06 ‎

    Sell at €1.79 ‎*

    You earn at least 35%

    *suggested minimum price

    BBD 30/04/25

    🍃 VEGAN

    Confezione da 125, caramella al gusto di frutta da 8g Fruittella.
    Fruittella Fruit Gelee, fruit gummy candies 8g (Pack of 125)

    Buy a €0,15 ‎

    BBD 31/10/24

    🌾 Gluten Free

    🍃 VEGAN

    Confezione da 20, caramelle gommose alla frutta da 41g Fruittella.
    Fruittella Fruit Stick Vegan, 41g vegan fruit gummy candies (Pack of 20)

    Buy a €0,95 ‎

    BBD 30/04/26

    🍃 VEGAN

    Confezione da 12, lecca lecca gusti assortiti da 20g Johny Bee.
    Johny Bee Chef Burger Lollipop & Powder, lollipop with surprise flavor powder 20g (Pack of 12)
    Jhonny Bee

    Buy a €1,43 ‎

    Sell at €2.50 ‎*

    You earn at least 37%

    *suggested minimum price

    BBD 30/07/26

    🍃 VEGAN

    Confezione da 18, caramella spray gusti assortiti da 28ml Johny Bee.
    Johny Bee Lamp Spray, assorted flavor spray candy 28ml (Pack of 18)
    Jhonny Bee

    Buy a €1,05 ‎

    Sell for €1.79 ‎*

    You earn at least 35%

    *suggested minimum price

    BBD 10/06/25

    🍃 VEGAN

    Confezione da 16, caramella scoppiettante con palloncini gonfiabili da 8g Johny Bee.
    Johny Bee Unicorn Party Balloon, popping candy and two unicorn-shaped balloons of 8g (Pack of 16)
    Johny Bee

    Buy a €1,15 ‎

    Sell at €1.79 ‎*

    You earn at least 29%

    *suggested minimum price

    BBD 09/05/25

    M&M's Peanut Milk Drink, milk drink with M&M's chocolate and peanut flavor, 350ml (Pack of 8)

    Buy a €2,24 ‎

    Sell at €4.49 ‎*

    You earn at least 39%

    *suggested minimum price

    BBD 28/03/25

    Mars Milk Drink, bevanda al cioccolato da 350ml
    Mars Milk Drink, 350ml Chocolate Beverage (Pack of 8)

    Buy a €2,86 ‎

    Sell for €4.49 ‎*

    You earn at least 22%

    *suggested minimum price

    BBD 17/03/25

    🍃 VEGGIE

    Confezione da 40, caramelle al gusto di menta da 38g.
    Mentos Mint, 38g mint candy (40 pack)

    Buy a €0,95 ‎

    Sell at €1.50 ‎*

    You earn at least 30%

    *suggested minimum price

    BBD 31/03/27

    🍃 VEGAN

    Confezione da 12, birra analcolica al gusto di caramello da 330ml Potions Cauldron.
    Potions Cauldron Spellbound Butterscotch Beer, non-alcoholic caramel-flavored beer 330ml (Pack of 12)

    Buy a €2,82 ‎

    Sell at €4.49 ‎*

    You earn at least 23%

    *suggested minimum price

    BBD 30/06/26


    🍃 VEGAN

    Confezione da 12, bevanda al gusto di cola da 330ml Potions Cauldron.
    Potions The Cauldron Cauldron Cola Gargoyle, cola-flavored drink 330ml (Pack of 12)

    Buy a €2,82 ‎

    Sell at €4.49 ‎*

    You earn at least 23%

    *suggested minimum price

    BBD 31/03/26

    🌾 Gluten Free

    🍃 VEGAN

    Confezione da 19 di Pringles Salt & Vinegar da 165g.
    Pringles Salt & Vinegar, 165g salt & vinegar chips (pack of 19)

    Buy a €2,60 ‎

    Sell at €3.99 ‎*

    You earn at least 28%

    *suggested minimum price

    BBD 28/03/25

    🍃 VEGGIE

    Purely Plantain Chips Nice & Spicy, 28g spicy plantain chips (20 pack)

    Buy a €0,99 ‎

    Sell at €1.50 ‎*

    You earn at least 27%

    *suggested minimum price

    BBD 31/03/25

    🌾 Gluten Free

    🍃 VEGAN

    Confezione da 20, chips di platano al gusto di aglio Purely.
    Purely Plantain Chips Wild Garlic, 28g garlic flavor chips (pack of 20)

    Buy a €1,11 ‎

    Sell at €1.50 ‎*

    You earn at least 19%

    *suggested minimum price

    BBD 31/03/25

    🌾 Gluten Free

    🍃 VEGAN

    Confezione da 15, caramelle gommose al gusto di frutti di bosco da 136g Skittles.
    Skittles Wildberry Pouch, chewy candies with wild berry flavor 136g (Pack of 15)

    Buy a €2,00 ‎

    Sell at €3.49 ‎*

    You earn at least 37%

    *suggested minimum price

    BBD 20/11/25

    🍃 VEGAN

    Confezione da 8 di Bevanda al cioccolato, caramello e arachidi Snickers Milk Drink
    Snickers Milk Drink, Chocolate, Caramel, and Peanut Beverage, 350ml (Pack of 8)

    Buy a €2,86 ‎

    Sell at €4.49 ‎*

    You earn at least 22%

    *suggested minimum price

    BBD 19/03/25

    🍃 VEGGIE

    Confezione da 350ml di bevanda al gusto di latte e cioccolato Twix Milk Drink
    Twix Milk Drink, 350ml Twix Flavored Milk Beverage (Pack of 8)

    Buy a €2,86 ‎

    Sell at €4.49 ‎*

    You earn at least 22%

    *suggested minimum price

    BBD 18/03/25

    🍃 VEGGIE

    Confezione da 2kg di caramelle vegane
    Veggie Mega Sour Mix, 2kg of vegan fruit candies

    Buy a €4.90 per kg ‎

    Sell at €20.00 per kg ‎*

    You earn at least 73%

    *suggested minimum price

    BBD 30/03/26

    🍃 VEGAN

    Discover Vegetarian Products

    Vegetarian products are foods that exclude meat, fish, and animal derivatives. We offer a wide range of delicious and nutritious options, such as:

    • Snacks and sweets without animal gelatin
    • Cookies and baked goods free of eggs or dairy
    These products allow you to maintain an ethical and sustainable diet without sacrificing taste.

    Who Chooses Vegetarian Products

    Our target for vegetarian products is broad and constantly growing:

    • Vegetarians and vegans for ethical or environmental reasons
    • Health and wellness-conscious individuals
    • Consumers with dairy or egg intolerances
    • Youth and millennials sensitive to environmental issues
    • Flexitarians looking to reduce meat consumption
    In Italy, about 7.3% of the population follows a vegetarian or vegan diet, with a strong presence among the younger generations.

    Why Buy Vegetarian Products on

    Buying vegetarian products wholesale on offers numerous advantages:

    • Competitive prices thanks to bulk purchases
    • Wide selection of brands and international references
    • Opportunity to discover new trending products
    • Fast deliveries throughout Italy
    • Dedicated customer service for customized orders
    Our wide range meets the needs of specialized stores, vegetarian restaurants, and large-scale distribution chains, helping you stand out in the market.