
42 products

Here you will find the best trendy snacks right now between influencers and food bloggers on social media. Chips, drinks and sweets that are depopulating among your customers.

    42 products
    Confezione da 24 di bevanda al pompelmo e nata de coco Mogu Mogu Grapefruit
    Mogu Mogu Grapefruit Flavored Drink with Nata de Coco, 320ml (Pack of 24)
    Mogu Mogu

    Buy a €0,85 ‎

    Sell for €1.99 ‎*

    You earn at least 21%

    *suggested minimum price

    BBD 05/02/25

    Confezione da 200ml di bevanda alla frutta Capri sun Multi Vitamin
    Capri Sun Multi Vitamin, 200ml Fruit Drink (Pack of 10)
    Capri Sun

    Buy a €0,69 ‎

    Sell at €1.49 ‎*

    You earn at least 44%

    *suggested minimum price

    BBD 31/05/25

    🍃 VEGAN