Here's why our products cost more but allow you to have higher margins

In the world of commerce, there are products that are not found in all supermarkets, those for which customers are willing to spend more. But why does this happen? The answer is simple: special products attract for their exclusivity, because they are not found everywhere, because some collect them and, above all, because there is an irresistible desire to try them.

We at Uncle Food know the market trends and the novelties that customers love well, because we are the same ones who manage American Uncle, the leading eCommerce in the importation of snacks from all over the world. Every day we work to anticipate consumer requests, bringing those unique products to the market that make a difference.

Uncle Food is the perfect bridge between your customers' needs and your store: we take care of finding and procuring exclusive products, the ones that make customers' hearts beat, intrigue them and lead them to choose you.

Our special products, why do they cost more? 

It is true, our products often have a higher cost than those you buy at cash & carry. The reason is simple: importation. To bring them to your store, we import unique goods from all over the world, and this process involves significant expenses, especially for transport.

But here comes the good news. These products have a great advantage: they immediately capture attention on the shelves. Not only do they sell quickly, but they also help highlight the more common items you have in the store, thus increasing overall sales. Their uniqueness, together with their limited presence, makes them irresistible for those looking for something new and different.

Higher margins, more strategic sales

And here is the key point: yes, special products cost more, but this allows you to sell them at higher prices, with customers ready to pay for exclusivity. And this means higher margins for you.

Let's make a quick comparison:

  • Classic product: low purchase price, low margin.
  • Special product: higher purchase price, higher margin.

Special products are not only an investment for your inventory but also a strategy to increase the perceived value of your overall offer. Including them in your assortment allows you to stand out from the competition and attract an audience of consumers always looking for new things.

Ready to make the leap?

We at Uncle Food are here to give you access to these exclusive products that will grow your business. Don't miss the opportunity to be the store everyone visits to discover the latest global trends. With Uncle Food, special products are not just a whim for your customers, but a key to increasing your profits.

Learn more about our assortment and how we can help you enrich your offering. Remember, the more special the products, the greater your margins will be!

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